Selling a home does not usually happen overnight, and it can actually take months in some cases. If you really want to sell, or need to sell, you may want to take some extra steps to help promote the sale of your home. One thing some real estate agents recommend is creating a video love letter about the home you own. If you are interested in this, here are some tips to help you create one.
Understand the purpose of a video love letter
The purpose of a video love letter is to let prospective buyers know all the things you love about the home and things you will miss when you move. This type of video is very personal, and it can help buyers connect to you and your house. When you create a video like this, you can have a link on the real estate listing, and anyone interested in your home might develop a deeper bond or connection to your home simply by watching your video.
Things to include
There may be a lot of different things you can think of to include in your video; but if not, here are some great ideas that may help you get started:
- Memories – Including memorable events that took place in your home or yard is a great place to start. For example, you may have a wall you used to measure the height of your children each year. You can show this wall on the video, even if you have since painted over it, and you can explain what it was for.
- Your favorite features – It's also a good idea to include some of your favorite features of the home. For example, you may have loved the natural sunlight that came through a certain window each morning, or you might really miss the built-in bookcase you had in your living room. Pointing out features like this can help spark the interest of buyers.
- Local businesses or places – You could also talk about local places you enjoyed going. Maybe there was a neat trail near your home that you would walk on often, or maybe there is the best little coffee shop located just a few blocks from your house.
Creating a video love letter is not a necessary step when selling a house, but it can make a difference. If you would like more tips that could help you sell faster, talk to an agent today.