Bed bugs are a horrible pest to deal with, and they can cause you much grief. There are a few things that you should know about bedbugs in order to help prevent any bed bug related issues, as well as help you get rid of them with greater ease.

You Can Develop Serious Allergies to Bed Bugs

Most individuals that experience bed bugs in their homes will experience some itchiness, redness and a bit of swelling. However, those that have allergic reactions to bed bugs – or develop allergic reactions to bed bugs – can experience these phenomenon in a much more severe manner and also a number of other symptoms that others do not experience. If a large number of beg bugs become airborne, those with beg bug allergies can experience difficulty breathing. Even worse, however, are those that experience anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis can cause your throat to close up, swell and will make your ability to breathe extremely difficult.

Beg Bugs Can Cause MRSA

MRSA is a soft skin tissue infection. MRSA is an extremely problematic infection that can be lethal to certain individuals and can easily be transmitted from person to person via bed bugs. It is usually not the fault of the bite itself that causes MRSA, and technically speaking, bed bugs don't "transmit" MRSA. Rather, the bites generally tend to cause people to scratch themselves. People with dirty fingers or fingernails can carry this infection, which will seep into the bites or scratch marks. MRSA is an infection that is caused by the dirt seeping into these areas and causing a strong, sometimes deadly, infection.

Bed Bugs Can Live Anywhere

Bed bugs can live anywhere and not just in urban areas. Many people also tend to think of bed bugs as existing in filthy hotel or motel rooms, where conditions are simply nasty and unclean. However, this is a myth. You could live in one of the most immaculate and clean houses in the world, and if bed bugs decided to make their home there, there is generally very little you could do about this. In addition to this, there is also the myth that bed bugs can only live in temperate environments. This is also not the case. Bed bugs can live in virtually any environment as long as they are not exposed to extreme heat.

Bed Bugs Can't Climb Smooth Surfaces

Bed bugs have great difficulty vertically navigating smooth surfaces; as a point of reference, place a yogurt container on the ground in a bed bug infested area. Bed bugs will not be able to traverse to the top of the container. Any attempts made by the bed bugs will end in complete and utter failure. As such, it is recommended that if you are able to buy a bed frame with smooth legs, especially those made out of plastic, then you invest in one. Bed bugs are unable to climb such surfaces due to the fact that their legs are not particularly flexible or hardy. They have difficulty carrying their body vertically up such terrain.

Bed Bugs Can Go Without Feeding For Long Periods Of Time

Unlike cockroaches, which generally settle in areas with humans due to the fact that they can easily access food, bed bugs rarely need to feed. Many studies have shown that bed bugs can generally go without food and water from anywhere from 20 to 400 days. This is an ample amount of time and bespeaks to the fact that attempting to starve bed bugs out of your house simply does not work. Coping with bed bugs is not fun, and you should call in a professional exterminator, such as those found at Garrie Pest Control, the moment you notice a problem with bed bugs. 
